Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plants

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Dr. Anna Geszprych →
Assistant Professor
tel. +48 22 59 322 34 room 34


Medicilnal Plants →
First Degree (B.Sc.) full-time Studies
General Courses →
Practical training →
First Degree (B.Sc.) full-time Studies
General Courses →
Vegetables quality assessment →
First Degree (B.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable plants
Sustainable horticulture →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
General Courses →
Instrumental analysis →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable and medicinal plants
Cultivated plants in preventive treatment of civilization diseases →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable and medicinal plants
Plants of high biological value - biology and use →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Plant raw materials of high biological activity
Plant dietary supplements →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Plant raw materials of high biological activity
Plants of adaptogenic and immunotropic activity →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) full-time Studies
Specialization: Plant raw materials of high biological activity
Spices and medicinal plants →
First Degree (B.Sc.) part-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable plants
Sustainable horticulture →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) part-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable and medicinal plants
Cultivated plants in preventive treatment of civilization diseases →
Second Degree (M.Sc.) part-time Studies
Specialization: Vegetable and medicinal plants
Farmakognozja →
Postgraduate Studies →
Produkty roślinne w dietetyce →
Postgraduate Studies →
Restoration to ecosystem of wild medicinal plants
Interdisciplinary Department of Environmental Protection →
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine →
Biologia →
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine →


Research Projects
Jakość surowca bylicy piołun (Artemisia absinthium L.) pozyskiwanego ze stanowisk naturalnych i z uprawy, z uwzględnieniem czynników wpływających na zawartość i skład głównych grup związków biologicznie czynnych →
2007-2010, Projekt badawczy własny, no.: N 310 044 32
manager: Dr. Anna Geszprych
executors: prof. dr hab. Węglarz Z., dr Przybył J.
